
Our Projects

The Rainbow Foundation finances qualified projects and organizations in countries where rainbow people are discriminated against, harassed, persecuted and killed. Here you can read more about our project partners and the initiatives we support.


Support Georgia

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focusAreaAdvocacy work

Driven byTemida

In September, Georgia passed laws that severely restrict the rights of LGBTQ+ people: · All LGBTQ+ information in schools is banned! · Pride events are banned! · Rainbow flags in public places are banned! · Gender-affirming healthcare is banned! · Adoption by LGBTQ+ people is banned!

The day after the laws were passed, Kesaria Abramidze was found stabbed to death in her apartment. Kesaria, who was only 37 years old, was one of the first openly transgender people in Georgia. The threat against the country's LGBTQ+ community is deadly serious.

Throughout 2024, Georgia has also seen large demonstrations against another proposed law that would make it harder for non-profit organizations to operate. In April, the government introduced a bill that requires all non-profit organizations receiving more than 20% of their funding from foreign sources to register as foreign agents.

The Rainbow Fund supports Temida, a trans-led organization that provides assistance and protection to the LGBTQ+ community, which is especially crucial as violence has escalated.

Backlash in Ghana

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focusAreaSupport and protection

Driven byLGBT+ Rights Ghana

In February 2024, Ghana's parliament passed one of the strictest anti-gay laws in Africa, which includes up to three years in prison for same-sex sexual relations and 6 to 10 years in prison for anyone who "promotes" homosexuality. President Nana Akufo-Addo stated at the time that he would not sign the law until the Supreme Court ruled on its constitutionality.

The Rainbow Foundation support LGBT+ Rights Ghana, which fights to promote LGBTQI+ rights in Ghana by strengthening the network and well-being of LGBTQI+ people. The Rainbow Fund supports LGBT+ Rights Ghana in providing basic resources such as food and shelter, allowing activists to continue their work for change in Ghana, where LGBTQI+ individuals can live their lives without the risk of threats and violence.

Rainbow Radio in Iran and Afghanistan

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locationIran and Afghanistan


focusAreaSupport and protection

Driven by

Radio Ranginkaman has existed for ten years and broadcasts daily via radio wave, satellite, online and on social media in order to reach the community both on and offline (as many do not have access to the internet).

In the absence of safe places for the community in Iran, Radio Ranginkaman tries to be a bridge between the scattered LGBTQI communities that exist and is often the only way to get contact and information about the global LGBTQI movement.

Rainbow families in Italy

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focusAreaAdvocacy work

Driven byFamilglie Arcobaleno

In January 2023, the Italian government decided to end the registration of children born to same-sex parents. In addition, legal parenthood was also withdrawn for non-biological mothers. This meant that only the biological or gestational mother was considered to be the parent of the child, who in turn received a new birth certificate where they removed the other mother. Lesbian couples who want to start a family often have to travel abroad because access to IVF and adoption is limited. During the spring of 2024, the court in Padua dismissed the government's decision which means that both parents are to be recognized as legal guardians.

Famiglie Arcobaleno works for the right to equal parenting for LGBTQI couples in Italy, where both parents are not recognized as the child's legal caretakers. They also want to de-stigmatize rainbow families who are often met with homo-, bi- or transphobia. By organizing conferences and discussion forums with representatives from various social institutions such as lawyers, sociologists, psychologists and teachers, they promote awareness about rainbow families and the need for a national law recognizing parenthood among LGBTQI couples. The Rainbow Foundation empowers Famiglie Arcobaleno to influence legislation that protects rainbow families in Italy who are in vulnerable positions because of the current government. Famiglie Arcobaleno also supports rainbow families by creating safe meeting places where they can get advice and help regarding their options for starting a family.

Instituto para el Desarrollo Humano Bolivia




focusAreaAdvocacy Work

Driven byIpDH

IpDH is a non-profit organization that works to promote LGBTQI rights in Bolivia by organizing various cultural events aimed civil society. The aim is to normalize and spread awareness about LGBTQI in civil society in order to increase acceptance and strengthen human rights. Among other things, they have organized film festivals where they held panel discussions with the audience regarding the rights of LGBTQI people, including sexual and reproductive rights. The films shown focused mainly on LGBTQ issues as well as reproductive health. They have also organized exhibitions that highlight HIV/AIDS and how one can prevent it. Their work on what it is like to live with HIV/AIDS highlights the vulnerable position they find themselves in. The Rainbow Fund supports IpDH's continued work to influence civil society and politicians to protect the human rights of LGBTQI people in order to destigmatize and normalize rainbow people.

IRCA - Casabierta

On going

locationCosta Rica


focusAreaSupport and protection

Driven byIRCA - Casabierta

Casabierta is an organization that helps LGBTQI people who are fleeing threats and discrimination in their home countries because of their sexual orientation and/or gender identity. Since the 1980s, Costa Rica has received LGBTQI refugees from those persecuted by paramilitary groups in Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala, as well as more recently Nicaragua. Costa Rica acts as a sanctuary for LGBTQI refugees and migrants, where Casabierta provides access to legal advice, psychological support and medication.

Since 2018, the Rainbow Foundation has supported Casabierta's work to offer support and protection for LGBTQ migrants in Costa Rica. This far-reaching support has contributed to the business being able to continue and the center has been able to offer legal advice, information, psychological support and help with basic medicines and food.

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Help our rainbow grow! When you give a gift to the Rainbow Foundation, you contribute to creating a world where all people have the same basic freedoms and rights, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity.


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Vad gör Regnbågsfonden?


Regnbågsfonden arbetar för en värld där alla har samma demokratiska rättigheter och friheter oavsett sexuell läggning eller könsidentitet. Regnbågsfonden finansierar projekt och organisationer där HBTQI-personer diskrimineras, förföljs och dödas. Regnbågsfonden arbetar även med påverkansprojekt i Sverige i samarbete med andra organisationer.

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About Rainbow Foundation

The purpose of the Rainbow Foundation is to work with funding to support qualified organizations and projects in countries where rainbow people are discriminated against, persecuted and killed. The Rainbow Foundation also works with impact projects in collaboration with other organizations.


The Rainbow Foundations's purpose is to provide financial support to LGBTQI organizations throughout the world, primarily in countries where rainbow people are persecuted and harassed by authorities, police and religious institutions.


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Bankgiro: 900-5521

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