The Rainbow Foundation is financed by gifts and contributions from organizations, companies and private individuals. The Rainbow Foundation holds a "90 account" and is controlled by Collection Control annually. As members of Giva Sweden, Rainbow Foundation reports on their quality code, which is reviewed by an auditor every two years. Every year we publish an Impact Report where we tell about our progress in relation to the Rainbow Foundation's vision and long-term goals.
Below you find the Rainbow Foundation's Annual Reports and Impact Reports.
Below you find the Rainbow Foundation's governing documents and policys.
The purpose of the Rainbow Foundation is to work with funding to support competent organizations and projects in countries where rainbow people are discriminated against, persecuted and killed. The Rainbow Foundation also works with impact projects in collaboration with other organizations.
Here you will find answers to some of our most frequently asked questions
Vad gör Regnbågsfonden?
Regnbågsfonden arbetar för en värld där alla har samma demokratiska rättigheter och friheter oavsett sexuell läggning eller könsidentitet. Regnbågsfonden finansierar projekt och organisationer där HBTQI-personer diskrimineras, förföljs och dödas. Regnbågsfonden arbetar även med påverkansprojekt i Sverige i samarbete med andra organisationer.
What does LGBTQI mean?
LGBTQI is an umbrella term for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer expressions and identities, and intersex people.
Here you will find answers to some of our most frequently asked questions
FAQThe Rainbow Foundations's purpose is to provide financial support to LGBTQI organizations throughout the world, primarily in countries where rainbow people are persecuted and harassed by authorities, police and religious institutions.
Plusgiro: 900 552-1
Bankgiro: 900-5521
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