
Advocacy work

The Rainbow Foundation provides gsupport to projects that affect social development and improve legislation for LGBTQI people.


Support for the rights struggle in Iraq

On going



focusAreaAdvocacy work

Driven byIraQueer

A major threat to LGBTQI people in Iraq is discrimination and harassment from government officials and other social functions. The Rainbow Foundation has granted support to IraQueer to train government officials, religious leaders and representatives from civil society in LGBTQI rights. "The Rainbow Foundation's support is crucial to the work we do. In recent years, the Iraqi and Kurdish regimes have tried to criminalize being LGBTQ several times. It shows how much resistance the community faces and how important it is to make visible and raise awareness of LGBTQ rights .The Rainbow Foundation's support allows us to educate government officials, religious leaders, and others who usually lead the fight against us. With this support, we can gain allies who will slowly help us make LGBTQ rights mainstream, and not something that only LGBTQ people themselves care about." Amir Ashour, Founder of IraQueer

Legal help against hate crimes in Poland

On going



focusAreaAdvocacy work / Protection and support

Driven byPSAL

PSAL (Polish Society for Anti-discrimination Law) is a Polish civil society organization that organizes lawyers and other legal professionals who want to work on a voluntary basis to pursue legal cases to protect human rights and work against discrimination. Those who need the help of the lawyers pay nothing, PSAL's network of lawyers and law firms work on a voluntary basis and PSAL covers all the costs of the legal cases. ## Heavy setback in Poland In Poland, the LGBTQI community is currently experiencing a major setback, due to government policies. It is estimated that the number of cases of violence and discrimination against LGBTQI people has increased sharply. Various regions have proclaimed themselves “LGBTQ-free zones”. Poland already lacks legal recognition and protection for LGBTQI people's relationships and families. LGBTQI activists protesting human rights abuses are prosecuted and far-right organizations systematically report them to pursue strategic legal cases. ## Legal advice and assistance in court The Rainbow Foundation supports PSAL with major challenges in finding funding for its work to pursue cases involving LGBTQI people. With the help of our support, PSAL can now offer legal advice in discrimination cases to more individuals and pursue a number of cases in court. One case is where activists want to have a known anti-abortionist convicted of incitement to an ethnic group after her statements about LGBTQI people. PSAL defends the activists who created the "Atlas of Hate" where they made visible the "LGBTQ-free zones" and were reported for defamation by right-wing extremists. Other cases being pursued aim to achieve gender-neutral marriage legislation in Poland. Even discrimination cases regarding discrimination in the workplace are possible to pursue thanks to EU legislation in this area within working life and discrimination due to sexual orientation.

Rainbow Radio in Iran and Afghanistan

On going

locationIran and Afghanistan


focusAreaSupport and protection

Driven by

Radio Ranginkaman has existed for ten years and broadcasts daily via radio wave, satellite, online and on social media in order to reach the community both on and offline (as many do not have access to the internet).

In the absence of safe places for the community in Iran, Radio Ranginkaman tries to be a bridge between the scattered LGBTQI communities that exist and is often the only way to get contact and information about the global LGBTQI movement.

More ways to contribute

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The Rainbow Foundation fights for everyone's right to be themselves, love and be loved. In Sweden and all over the world! When you give a gift to the Rainbow Foundation, you join and contribute to the work for the rights of LGBTQI people.


Here you will find answers to the most common questions

What does LGBTQI mean?


LGBTQI is an umbrella term for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer expressions and identities, and intersex people.

How was the Rainbow Foundation founded?


The Rainbow Foundation was founded in 2013 by Arto Winter, Jonas Gardell and Jon Voss in connection with a collection to oppose the death penalty law in Uganda.

How is the Rainbow Foundation financed?


The Rainbow Foundation's work is made possible thanks to gifts and contributions from private individuals, companies and foundations.

Here you will find answers to the most common questions


The Rainbow Foundations's purpose is to provide financial support to LGBTQI organizations throughout the world, primarily in countries where rainbow people are persecuted and harassed by authorities, police and religious institutions.


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