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Civil Rights Defenders



Emergency support for Civil Rights Defenders

Regnbågsfonden provides emergency support of SEK 350,000 for Civil Right Defenders’ work for LGBTQ people in Ukraine.

Civil Rights Defenders has an active collaboration with LGBTQ organizations in Ukraine. These organizations want to be able to stay in the country as long as possible.

LGBTQ people in eastern Ukraine have struggled for a long time. A possible Russian takeover risks intensify the homophobia in the area, which would result in double exposure, both by the war and the discrimination.

There is a strong sense of belonging in the networks. No one wants to leave anyone behind but rather stay and continue to fight together.

For many human rights defenders, Ukraine has been one of the safest places to carry out their work. Many rainbow activists from countries such as Belarus, Uzbekistan and Russia have sought refuge in Ukraine. Now they are faced with the threat of having to flee once again and also leave livelihood opportunities behind.

The emergency support from Regnbågsfonden is going to protection and humanitarian support in the form of food, water and medicines. The LGBTQ organizations have expressed the importance of secure provision of psychosocial support as soon as possible, which the contribution will support. In the long run, the support will further go to restoration and increasing security for both the activists’ housing and their organizations so that they can continue their important work for LGBT rights.

“The support from Regnbågsfonden means a lot to an already vulnerable group of human rights defenders. Together, we can now enable more LGBTQI activists to continue their tireless work in a safe way. ” says Anders L. Pettersson, Executive Director at Civil Rights Defenders.